Sunday, May 19, 2019

How Daily Prayer-Declaration Creates Great Power. How to Trust God. How ...

How Daily Prayer-Declaration Creates Great Power. How to Trust God. How to Believe Your own Prayer.

Heavenly  Father In  The Mighty Name  of Jesus Christ. All Things  Concerning Myself, My Spouse,
My  Children, My Job, My  Business, My City, My  State, My Country My Household and My  Church.
I  Pray  that You  Stop, Nullify,  Blind, Deafen, Confuse,  Shut Down, Break The Power,
and Conquer,  Satan Lucifer,  All Witch Craft,  Sorcery, The Prince  of the Power of The Air,
Every  Generational Curse and   Every Unclean Spirit That  I Have Not Mentioned. Father Mute,  Muzzle,
Gag  and Cut off All Communication Between  Devils, Close Every Demonic Portal and  Gateway Seal it.
Confuse  Them All. Thwart All  of Their Efforts.
Lord Jesus Render  Every Demon Powerless  In My Life from Now On.   In Jesus Christ Name.
Send Them To The Feet of Jesus For Judgement.
Matthew 18:18  States That "Verily  I say unto you, Whatsoever  ye shall bind on earth shall  be bound
in  heaven: and  whatsoever ye  shall loose on  earth shall be loosed  in heaven".
"The Word of God Is Quick And More Powerful and Sharper Than Any Two Edged Sword". Hebrews 4:12
Father In Jesus Name, Kill  and Cut off the Head of Every Serpent  and Every Giant
With  The Two  Edged Sword, The  Sword of The Spirit, With  The Word of God. Lord Jesus  Christ.
Every  Negative  Unclean Spirit  that Operates Inside  of My Eyes, My Nose, My  Mouth, My Ears, My Skin,
Inside  of My Head,  My Emotions, My  Body, My Mind, My  Thoughts, My Spirit, My  Soul, and My Personal Life,
Both  Internally  and Externally. Father  I ask That You Divide  All Of Their Power,Divide Their  Camp,
Divide  Their Agreements,  Divide Their Kingdoms,   Pull Down Every Stronghold. In  The Mighty Name of Jesus Christ.
Thank  You Father  That "No Weapon  That is Formed Against Me  Shall Prosper". Isaiah 54:17
Thank  You Lord That  You Will Thrust  Out The Enemy From  Before Me and Shall Say  Destroy Them. Deuteronomy 33:27
Thank  You Jesus  That " My Enemies  Shall Be Found Liars  Unto Thee and That I Tread  Upon Their High Places".
Deuteronomy 33:29     In The Mighty Name Of Jesus Christ.
The  Holy Bible  States In Philippians  2:10-11 "That Every Knee  Shall Bow
and  Every  Tongue Shall   Confess That Jesus  Christ is Lord"
And  Now With  The Authority  Of The Blood Of  Jesus Christ. I Command  Every Unclean Spirit To Now  Bow Down and
Confess  With Your Mouths  that Jesus Christ  is Lord,
Thank  You Lord  Jesus For The  Dominion, Power  and Authority To Do This.  Father In Jesus Name,
I Bind,  Chain, and  Cage the Works  of Darkness and Put  Them Into the Supernatural  Cages of Jesus Christ.
Father, Enable  The Warrior Angels To  Arrest Every Fear and  Every Unclean Spirit and
Cast  Them Down  Into The Pit  Along With Every  Other Devil Involved  That I Have Don't Know About.
Father  In Jesus  Name I Thank  You for The Power, Dominion, and  Authority that You have Given Me  To Do This
As  Your  Son or  Daughter and  With The Power  and Authority of The  Blood of Jesus Christ.
In  Jesus  Name "No  Weapon That  is Formed Against Me  Shall Prosper". 2 Timothy 1:7
I  Exercise  The Law of  Psalm 91:7 "A thousand  shall fall at thy side,  and ten thousand at thy right  hand
but it shall not come near  me". There Shall Be No Backlash,  No Blow back, No Reprisal, and No Retaliation  because
of  This  My Prayer. Thank  You Father for Giving  Me "The Power to Tread on  Serpents and Scorpions and Over  All
of  The Power  of The Enemy  and That Nothing  Shall By Any Means  Hurt Me". Luke 10:19
In The Mighty Name of Jesus Christ.
Father  I Thank You  That "I am raised  up together with You, and  I sit together With You In  Heavenly Places
in  Christ  Jesus". Ephesians 2:6
Father  I Pray that  You Will Continue  To Lead and Guide Me In  Every Moment of My Life.
Please  Give Me  A Heart To  Believe And A  Mind To Receive. And  That My Eyes May Be Enlightened.
According  To The Works  of Your Mighty  Power.
You  Have Not  given Me "The  Spirit of Fear,  but of Love and a  Sound Mind". 2 Timothy 2:7
Please  Forgive Me  of Every Sin  That I Have Ever  Committed.
Thank  You For  Your Passion  and For Dying  on The Cross for  Me.
I  Thank  You Father and  Give All of The  Praise, Honor, and  Glory Forever And Ever
In  The Mighty  Name of Jesus  Christ. Amen

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