Friday, May 3, 2019

A Super Powerful Prayer and Declaration Combination to Break the Powers ...

A Super Powerful Prayer and Declaration Combination to Break the Powers ...

Heavenly Father in The Mighty 
Name of Jesus Christ.

Cleanse and Purify Me.

2 Corinthians 5:17 States That
17 "Therefore if any man be 
in Christ, he is a new creature: 
old things are passed away; 
behold, all things are become new."

In Jesus Name.

Father Cleanse and Purify 
My Eyes and what I Let Them See 
and Look at. 

Help Me to Choose 
The Right Television Programs, 
Videos Movies and Social 
Networking Sites That Glorify 
You and Give You Praise.

Lord Help Me With The Way That 
I See People. Help me to Choose 
Carefully What I Allow Into My 

In Jesus Name.

Philippians 4:13 States That
"I can do all things through 
Christ which strengtheneth me."

Lord Cleanse and Purify 
My Nose 
What Goes in It and 
What I Smell.

In Jesus Name.

Matthew 15:11 States
11 "Not that which goeth into 
the mouth defileth a man; but 
that which cometh out of the 
mouth, this defileth a man."

Holy Spirit Cleanse and Purify 
My Mouth and what goes In It 
and Especially What Comes Out
of It. Help me to Think
Carefully About 
The Things That I Choose To Say. 
Before I Say Them.

In Jesus Name.

Most High God In Jesus Christ
Name Please Cleanse and Purify 
My Hearing My Ears What I 
listen to And What I Allow Inside 
of Them. Help Me Make The Right 
Decisions of What Music and 
Programs That I Should and 
Should Not Listen To.

Proverbs 1:5 States That "A wise man 
will hear, and will increase learning; 
and a man of understanding shall
attain unto wise counsels:"

In Jesus Name.

Emmanuel Bless What Ever I Touch and 
Whatever Touches Me.
In Jesus Name.

Lord God Almighty Help Me To Feel 
In Jesus Name.

In The Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. 
Father Help Me Manage and Totally Take 
Control Over All Of My Emotions, 

Psalms 91:2 Says That "I will say of 
the Lord, He is my refuge and my 
fortress: my God; 
in him will I trust."

Lord Jesus I Pray that You Will Rise
Up Inside of Me from The Core of My
Being to the Oitsode of My Skin.

Father from Now On Take Part In Every 
One of My Dreams, Each and 
Every One of My Imaginations, All of 
My Thoughts,The Way That I Think and
About Every Single Thing 
That Comes into My Mind and My Head,

In Jesus Name

Almighty God Comfort and Console Me On 
Every One of My Griefs, Give Me Access 
to The Powers That Overcome All and 
Every One of My Sorrows

Father Thrust Out

All Misery, Sadness, Anguish, Distress, 
Agony, Affliction, Suffering, Heart Ache,
Torment, Broken Hardheartedness, Heaviness 
of The Heart, Depression, Bad Memories, 

Jesus Destroy

All Self Doubt, Unhappiness, Gloominess, 
Discouragement, Hopelessness, Regret, 
Distress, Hardship, Anxiety, Affliction, 

Lord Break Off All

Poverty, And Every Difficulty, Misfortune and
Trouble. And All Forms of Mental Torture.

Psalms 91:10 States That "There shall no 
evil befall thee, neither shall any plague 
come nigh thy dwelling."

Lord Bind Chain Cage and Throw Away Every
Unclean Spirit Permanently.

In Jesus Name

Deuteronomy 33:27 Says That "The eternal 
God is thy refuge, and underneath are the
everlasting arms: and he shall thrust out 
the enemy from before thee; and shall say,
 Destroy them."

Lord Jesus Give Me The Power To Slay, To Kill,
and To Cut of The Head of Every Giant That
Tries to Operate Inside of My Head and Mind.

7 Psalm 91:7 Says That "A thousand 
shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand 
at thy right hand; 
but it shall not come near thee."

Most High God, Jesus Christ,
Holy Spirit, Emmanuel,
His Number is 644, 
The Power Eleeth.

In Jesus Name

Please Forgive Me For Every Sin that I 
Have Ever Committed.

Continue to Lead and Guide Me from Now On.

Thank You for Dying on The Cross for Me.

I Give You All Of The Praise
Honor and Glory Forever and Ever.

In Jesus Christ Name
In Jesus Name.


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This With Them.

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