Tuesday, May 14, 2019

A Powerful Prayer-Declaration for God to Clean Up Your Troubles and for ...

A Powerful Prayer-Declaration for God to Clean Up Your Troubles and for You to Make  Right Decisions

Say this out loud if you have anything wrong with you. 
This prayer works for every thing in your life. Just try it.
Read or say this prayer out loud and watch your life change instantly.
Prayer for Healing and A Better Life.
Heavenly Father in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ Destroy  every Demonic plot against  me, my Family, my Church, my  City, and my Country.
In Jesus name
In Jesus name
In Jesus name
Satan, every Demon, every Principality, all Spritual wickedness in High places, all witchcraft, all sorcery, Prince of the Power of the air,  all unclean spirits and devils.
Dominions, every Unclean Spirit, every Infirmity, Chief Prince, all Generals, all Captains, all Centurians, every Watchmen, and every other Devil.
I rebuke you in Jesus name.
I Bind you In Jesus name. 
I Chain you In Jesus name. 
I Cage you In Jesus name. 
I Cast you out in Jesus name.
I Cast you Down in Jesus name.
I Bind you all to the pit forever and ever In Jesus name.
I take back all of the permission that I have given you in the past to operate in me and through me.
I take my Authority back right now by the Blood of Jesus Christ.
I render you all Powerless in my life from now on in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ.
The Holy Bible states that" Every knee shall bow amd every tounge shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord".
As A Son/Daughter of God Almighty.
With the Authority of the Blood of Jesus Christ. 
I now command you all to bow down on your knees and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord.
Father God Destroy, Strip, Ruin, Confuse, Bind, Chain, Cage and Cast Down the demonic kingdom in Jesus name.
Jesus, Emmanuel, Most High God,  Holy Spirit, Almighty God, Father.
Thank you for hearing and honoring my prayer and setting me free.
Thank you that I can now tread upon the high places of my enemies without any retaliation or backlash.
1000 Shall fall at my side and 10,000 shall Fall at my right hand side and they shall not come near me.
In The Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. 
Forgive me of all of my sins Father and Lead me and Guide me from now on. 
Read or say this prayer out loud for 40 days and you will see outstanding permanent changes. In Jesus name.
Jesus will save bless and keep you forever and ever. That is my prayer.
Please children go to Sunday school. Adults please go to church. ✟

Please watch this short video below.

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Timothy J Douglass Sr.     Facebook

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